Metal Recycling

Aluminum is central to our sustainability strategy, which puts us in a strong position, 由于这种材料固有的环保特性.
large stacks of metal bundles compacted for recycling

它不仅是地球上回收利用最多的云顶集团糖果游戏, 与其他形式相比,饮料罐的平均回收含量最高. 在竞争基板中,铝也提供了最高的经济价值. With these benefits, 难怪有史以来80%的铝仍在使用. 易拉罐的一个关键区别在于,它们不仅在理论上是可回收的, but they are actually recycled in practice. Consumers recycle aluminum cans at a rate of 69% on average, 在全球范围内,他们回收塑料瓶的速度是其两倍多. 在欧洲, recycling rates exceed 76%, 在巴西, numbers remain significantly higher than other substrates, 接近100%. 然而,, 消费者可能无法获得公共和私人的回收基础设施,而且往往不知道适当的回收措施,或者认为他们的回收物品最终仍被填埋. 因此, many people do not recycle properly, 保持金属可持续性和其他非塑料包装解决方案充分发挥其回收效率的潜力, particularly in the U.S.

An infographic of 60 days can-to-can

A series of circles in a circle shape. Each circle contains an icon and a step:

  • 回收罐
  • 排序
  • 分解
  • 融化
  • 铸锭
  • 滚动
  • Can manufacturing
  • 饮料罐头

At the center: 60 days can-to-can

来源: Can Manufacturers Institute (CMI) – Aluminum Beverage Can Recycling Primer & 路线图.


  • Cans are sorted and baled at a material recovery facility (MRF). MRFs are where all single stream recyclables are sorted. 它们通常使用涡流进行分类,然后打包运往铝回收厂. 每包立方体的ubc重约2200磅,包含约65000罐.
  • Bales of used beverage cans (UBC) arrive at an aluminum mill. 美国有几家铝厂专注于熔化ubc,以制造新易拉罐的罐头板,其中大多数工厂位于美国东南部. 
  • UBCs are prepared for melting. 在工厂里,罐头被粉碎成更小的碎片,这样可以更容易地去除非铝成分. The shredded scrap goes through an optical sorter, 它能把非金属分离出来,用气流把塑料或玻璃吹走. It’s also put under a magnet that withdraws the steel. 经过这些步骤,油漆和漆被烧掉,只留下铝屑.
  • Aluminum chips are melted and turned into can sheet. 超过1200华氏度的熔炉将铝熔化,这样铝就可以流入模具,并被铸造成一个高耸的块,称为锭. Each ingot weighs 27 tons and is made up of 1.5 million recycled cans. 然后,钢锭被送到轧钢厂,在另一个熔炉中加热到近1000华氏度. This relaxes the bonds so that as it is rolled back and forth, it thins out until can sheet is created that is about 33,000英尺长. The sheet is then rolled up and sent to a can manufacturer. 
  • The can manufacturer turns the aluminum can sheet into new cans. 罐头制造商展开罐头片,并将其送入火罐压力机, which cuts out shallow cups from the can sheet very rapidly. 切割杯子后剩下的废料回到铝厂回收. The shallow cups are rammed through a series of rings, each narrower than the last, creating the can’s iconic cylindrical can shape. 铝罐现在已经准备好填充,享受,然后再次回收.

因为金属是一种无限的材料,没有回收和再生的限制, 它对未来使用的可用性几乎完全取决于它在一段时间内被捕获和重用的程度. 这就是为什么我们一次又一次地在引导材料成功通过其闭环系统方面发挥更积极的作用. For example, the Optimum Circularity 我们的支柱 二十by30 可持续发展计划包括增加我们环保包装产品的回收含量和回收率的目标. We also recently set new global recycling targets 以帮助推动该行业达到尽可能高的回收率.
